The Demon King of the Frontier Life, Reincarnated to Become the Strongest Mage ~The Former Demon King Who Grows Up While Being Loved, Wants to Know Humans~, Henkyō-gurashi no Maō, Tensei Shite Saikyō no Majutsu-shi ni Naru 〜Aisarenagara Nariagaru Moto Maō wa, Ningen o Shiritai〜, 辺境ぐらしの魔王、転生して最強の魔術師になる 〜愛されながら成り上がる元魔王は、人間を知りたい〜, 辺境ぐらしの魔王、転生して最強の魔術師になる, Henkyou Gurashi No Maou, Tensei Shite Saikyou No Majutsushi Ni Naru (manga)