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放学后的咖啡厅 - 第6話

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After School in a Coffee Shop, Coffee Shop Anemone, Houkago wa Kissaten de, В кофейне после школы, 放学后的咖啡厅, 放課後は喫茶店で, Hokago Wa Kissaten De
状態: 連載中 著者: 更新中

友達がかわいいカフェや彼氏を作ることに興味を持っている一方で、柳陸は自分が実際に好きなものについて話すのが難しいと感じています。While her friends are interested in cute cafés and getting boyfriends, Yanagi Riku finds it hard to talk about what she actually likes. They also think that her interest in the hot but unsociable Fushimi-kun is in bad taste, but she actually has a crush on him. One day, instead of accompanying her friends to the popular new café they found, she secretly seeks out an old café in order to indulge in her own interests: old-fashioned things!When the person at the counter turns around, she finds out that it is Fushimi-kun! He actually invites her to talk and they find out that they have similar tastes, and promise to talk again, but the next day he's unsociable as ever.