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おっさん冒険者の地道な異世界旅 (WN) - 第11.5話

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おっさん冒険者の地道な異世界旅 (WN)

おっさん冒険者の地道な異世界旅 (WN)

And Old Man Adventurer’s Steady Journey through Another World, An Old Man Adventurer’s Wandering Journey in Another World - Surviving steadily with a rejuvenating skill, Ossan Boukensha no Isekai Hourouki - Wakagairi skill de jimichi ni ikinobiru (LN), Ossan Boukensha no Jimichi na Isekai Tabi (WN), おっさん冒険者の地道な異世界旅 (WN), おっさん冒険者の異世界放浪記 若返りスキルで地道に生き延びる (LN), Ossan Boukensha No Jimichi Na Isekai Tabi
状態: 連載中 著者: 更新中

鈍い体に疲れたおっさんが、全国の若者を残して異世界へ転移してしまう。An old man who is tired of his slow body leaves the youngsters across the country in the dust as he transfers to another world.But you know? It’s a little too late for that! What am I supposed to do!?Just then, the god offered him a single lifeline. His one ray of hope is a skill that allows him to slowly grow younger.And with this small hope, the old man begins his journey.