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聖女様をお探しでしたら妹で間違いありません。さあどうぞお連れください、今すぐ。 - 第13話

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If You Are Looking For a Saint, It Is Definitely My Sister. Please Take Her Away, Right Now, Seijo-sama Wo Osagashi De Shitara Imouto De Machigai Arimasen. Saa Douzo Otsure Kudasai, Imasugu.
状態: 連載中 著者: 更新中

My sister goes to church every day and gives energetically to charity, and everyone praises her, saying that she must be a saint. But thanks to her donations, our family's finances are always on fire. My sister donated all the money I had saved to the church. Then a beautiful man appeared and said that he was a messenger from the kingdom looking for a saint. Please, by all means, take my sister now!