Akira Kirihara, a genius surgeon, is suddenly reborn as Kiara Bellworth, the protagonist of "Cinderella's Engagement." In Kiara's world, injuries were cured by magic power, but those who could not be cured by magic power were abandoned. After providing first aid to Prince Cecil's follower, Chiara is favored by the prince, who wants to revamp the country's medical system, and he proposes to her. With the prince's backing, she performs surgical procedures on patients who cannot be cured by magic. At first, the prince and Kiara are like partners, but they gradually become attracted to each other.A reincarnated medical fantasy in which the prince saves the country through medical reform.
外科医キアラは死亡フラグを許さない ~死人だらけのシナリオは、前世の知識で書きかえます~
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