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Nakabosu-san reberu 99, saikyou no buka-tachi to tomoni ni Shū-me totsunyū!, The Middle Manager LV.99, Starts His Second Life with His Best Team!, 中boss大显神威,同最强部下们的全新生涯, 中ボスさんレベル99、最強の部下たちとともに二周目突入!, Nakaboss-san Level 99, Saikyou No Buka-tachi To Tomo Ni Nishuume Totsunyuu!

最下位小規模ダンジョンの中ボスであるナルゴールは、冒険者一行の進撃を阻むべく、大迷宮を構築する。To impede the advance of the adventurer party, Nargor, the mid-rank boss of the lowest rank small scale dungeon, constructs a large labyrinth. However, to protect his beloved employees from the strongest line of heroes that had defeated the demon king, he challenges them and dies only to reincarnate 100 years later as a human in a declining civilization. Becoming a boy with the ability to summon with many sorceries in his command, he summons his employees who have now become legends. To reconstruct the demon king's army, he reforms each dungeon. "I'm not the reincarnated hero or anything, just a mid rank boss."

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