ヨーク家の野心的な三男であるリチャードは、自分が呪われており、生まれたときから永遠の暗闇に呪われていると信じています。Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Aya Kanno’s dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.

Bara Ou no Souretsu, Le requiem du roi des roses, Requiem Króla Róż, Requiem of the Rose King, Réquiem por el rey de la rosa, Похоронная процессия Короля Роз, Реквием по Королю роз, พันธนาการแห่งราชันย์กุหลาบ (Thai), 蔷薇王的葬队, 薔薇王の葬列, 薔薇王的葬隊, 장미왕의 장례 행렬, Baraou No Souretsu著者更新中
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