Reゼロから始める異世界生活 第五章 水の都と英雄の詩
A year has passed since the battle in the Sanctuary. Natsuki Subaru was having a peaceful time, but the situation changes completely due to an invitation delivered by a certain messenger. An invitation to the floodgate city of Pristella was a letter sent to Emilia by Anastasia, one of the candidates for the royal war. Heroes of war have gathered together in the floodgate city, where malice is writhing. The long-awaited comic version of Re:Zero Chapter 5 has started!
月宮は母親が亡くなってから家族を守る孝行っ子で、学校でも人気の美少年だが、先生への片思いのため、告白されても断ってしまう。Tsukimiya is a dutiful kid who has been looking after his family since his mothers passing, and a popular pretty boy at school, but he rejects all those who confess to him due to an unrequited love he holds for one of his teachers. However he suddenly finds himself kidnapped by a group of beautiful women, who promise him a life of daily torture from now on.
岩石家のマフィアのボスは女子高生・許斐美乃子。The mafia boss of the Iwashi family is a high school girl named Konomi Minoko. But don’t let her appearance fool you; she has done and seen things normal citizens can’t even imagine. Under her control are two assassins who have gained legendary status for their deadliness and ability to get any job done. Ishikawa Rushia, codenamed Baret, uses a modified handgun that uses a custom made hollow point bullet that explodes the target from the inside. Shirato Marin, codenamed Francesca, uses a original weapon that is a mix between a throwing axe and battle axe. Both of them are Minoko’s high school classmates and seem like normal teenagers but are two of the most feared killers in the mob world who handle missions often involving other assassins and underground groups.
大学のミステリーサークルの学生たちは、前年に陰惨な連続殺人事件が起きた島を訪れることにした。Students from a university mystery club decide to visit an island which was the site of a grisly multiple murder the year before. Predictably, they get picked off one by one by an unseen murderer. Is there a madman on the loose? What connection is there to the earlier murders? The answer is a bombshell revelation which few readers will see coming. [Locked Room International]
ヨーク家の野心的な三男であるリチャードは、自分が呪われており、生まれたときから永遠の暗闇に呪われていると信じています。Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Aya Kanno’s dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.