銀河鉄道999 ANOTHER STORY アルティメットジャーニー
Ginga Tetsudo 999 ANOTHER STORY Arutimetto Jani Raw free
Ginga Tetsudo 999 ANOTHER STORY Arutimetto Jani Raw free
サンマグノリア共和国。The Republic of San Magnolia. For a long time this country was attacked by its neighbor, the Empire, which created a series of unmanned military vehicles called the Legion. In response to the threat, the Republic successfully completes the development of similar technology and reflects the enemys attack, having managed to do without casualties. But this is... the official version. In fact, there were victims. Outside of 85 districts of the Republic there was actually another one. The non-existent 86th district. It was there that day and night continued the battles in which young men and women from the detachment known as Eighty-Six participated—they fought in drones... Shinn directs the actions of young suicide bombers while on the battlefield. Lena is a handler who commands a detachment from a remote rear with the help of special communication. The farewell story of the severe and sad struggle of these two begins!
工藤創一は、祖父を倒すという人生の目標を達成した後、不本意ながら工藤神通流当主となった青年である。Souichi Kudou is a young man, who, after completing his life’s goal, to defeat his grandfather, was reluctantly made the head of the Kudou Jintsuu-style. Having lost the only real opponent he had, and now with an excess of free time, his apprentice offered to him the VR game “Magica Technica”. His dearest wish is to have a fight to the death where he has to use all his skill. Seeking a blood-boiling and exciting battlefield, the swordsman who inherited the title of the modern age’s strongest leaps into the game with both heart and sword. This is the sword-fighting action story of Kuon, the man who aimed for the very summit of the sword, wielding his blade.
Senjo no seijo senjo no seijo 〜 imoto no kawarini koshaku kishi ni totsugu koto ni narimashitaga, ima wa shiawasedesu 〜 Raw free
聖女と呼ばれる妹と違って地味なフィーネは、実家の伯爵家であまりに不遇な扱いを受けていた。危険な戦場に送られ軍医として働いている時、公爵騎士・レオンと出会う。瀕死の彼を治癒魔法で助けると、後日結婚を申し込まれることに! 「妹と間違えているのでは」と疑うけれど…!?
Fushi no Gunzei o Hikiiru Botchi Shiryoshi Tenshoku shite SSS Rank Bokensha ni Naru. Raw free
敗戦寸前のサルディア皇国を救ったのは、1人の死霊術師(ネクロマンサー)・ローグ。伝説級の従者を従え、強大な力を有する彼の唯一の望みは“友達を作ること”。ローグは最強の鑑定士であるカルファの力で忌み嫌われる職業を隠蔽し、「冒険者」に転職。新米冒険者として一歩を踏み出すローグだが、規格外の力は隠しきれておらず…!? その強さで、噂になっていくローグ一行は次第に国を揺るがす大騒動に巻き込まれていく——。 ぼっち死霊術師の新たな冒険が始まる!「小説家になろう発」大人気原作(一二三書房刊)、待望のコミカライズ化!巻末に原作者書き下ろし小説収録!
Kokuu no Tenshi ~Meikyuu Houjo kara Hajimaru Isekai Koryaku~ Raw free
突然、大して仲がいい訳でもないクラスメイト3人と共に異世界に呼び出された朱月空【アカツキクウ】。 クラスメイトの3人は、どうやら勇者とその従者だったようだ。 だが、クウは、悪神の加護と称号が付いているらしく、罪人となってしまう。 そんな中、彼は、何故か忘れ去っていた幼馴染・優菜【ユナ】の記憶を取り戻す! 呼び出され罪人とされた地で、彼は幼馴染と出会うことができるのだろうか―――。 幼馴染のために頑張る少年の、冒険譚。
Yumekui Merry Raw free
Mato seibyo no sureibu Raw free
日本各地に異空間『魔都』が出現―― 魔都に存在する『桃』が女性にのみ特異な能力をもたらすことにより、『魔防隊』と呼ばれる女性兵が組織された。 ある日、鬱屈した人生を過ごしていた男子高校生・和倉 優希は突発的に発生した魔都の入り口へと迷い込んでしまう。そこで出会った『魔防隊』七番組の美しき組長・羽前 京香に「お前を私の奴隷にする」と宣言され…!?
In a world where dungeons have emerged, adventurer Shota is mocked as the "weakest Slime (only) hunter." However, through sheer persistence, he slowly maxed out his seemingly useless "Luck" stat. Eventually, his relentless effort paid off when he “luckily” discovered and defeated a rainbow-colored slime that didn’t even exist in any monster encyclopedia! In a stroke of “coincidence,” Shota obtained a rare skill called **Level Gacha**, which allows him to spin a gacha in exchange for levels. Though his actual level remains low, his stats keep skyrocketing thanks to the powerful items and abilities he earns through his spins. Shota’s unstoppable rise begins as his extraordinary luck leads him to mysterious creatures and peculiar skills. Get ready for his thrilling and lucky adventure!
Kabe Yaku Nado Fuyou To Tsuihou Sareta Kyuu Boukensha, “dorei Kaihou” Skill O Kushi Shite Shijou Saikyou No Kunizukuri Raw
突然、冒険者パーティーを追放された聖騎士アレックスは、辺境開拓のクエストを受注し、のんびり生きようとするが、突然与えられたエクストラスキル《奴隷解放》――!? 美少女奴隷を召喚し、 モンスターが跋扈する魔族領を開拓せよ!! 異世界ハーレムスローライフが始まる!!