ブラック企業のサラリーマン・松友は、仕事を丸投げするのが得意な係長に死ぬほど酷使されている。Matsutomo is a salariman at a black company who's being overworked to death by a chief who's a pro at dumping all his work on him. What's more, no one seems to remember his name and they all call him Matsumoto. One night, coming home late once more, he runs into his beautiful yet distant neighbor, Saotome-san. It seems that she had left her phone, wallet, and the apartment key in her bag at a supplier's place 3 hours away. And in the apartment she can no longer get into, she has some important documents that she must have for tomorrow's meeting! Ever a gentleman, Matsutomo helps her out, saving her from the predicament, and moved, she makes him an offer he never gets a chance to refuse. (MangaDex)
大名たちが集結したけど、みんな犬だった!The major feudal lords have gotten together, but they are all dogs! In the year 1582, Oda Nobunaga perished in the Honoji Temple incident...but for some reason he has been reincarnated as a dog in the modern world! Is not only him. Other popular generals such as Takeda Shingen, Date Masamune, and Uesugi Kenshin have also been reincarnated as dogs for some reason!! You can enjoy history tidbits along with famous generals in this doggy comedy.
やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 -妄言録-
この漫画は、歪んだ人生観を持ち、友達もガールフレンドもいない、比企谷八幡という反社会的な高校生についての物語です。The manga is about an antisocial high-school student named Hachiman Hikigaya with a distorted view on life and no friends or girlfriend. When he see his classmates talking excitedly about living their adolescent lives, he mutters, Theyre a bunch of liars. When he is asked about his future dreams, he responds, Not working. A teacher gets Hachiman to join the volunteer service club, which happens to have the schools prettiest girl, Yukino Yukinoshita.
Tanuki to kitsune to sato gurashi Raw free
古畑泰葉26歳。 仕事も都会生活もやめて心機一転、祖母の家で田舎暮らしをスタート。 引っ越して早々に里の自然を満喫する泰葉は不思議な2人の少女と出会って……? 人とケモノのほっこり異種交流!!
【配信中】女神チャンネル! え、これ売名ですの!?
Megami Channeru! E, Kore Bimeidesu no!? Raw free
第11回GA文庫大賞奨励賞受賞作品をコミカライズ!! 異世界転生ブームとミーハーな女神が原因で、スケベなエルフが地球に侵略してきた!? 反撃の鍵を握るのは怪異に呪われた炎上ユーチューバーと、生真面目だけどポンコツなツンデレ駄女神!? さらに中二病のトップユーチューバーやらサキュバスやら霊能力者やらドラゴンまでも加わった、とどまるところを知らないハイテンションコメディーがここに開幕!!
森の中で小さなアトリエを営むエルフの職人マグリットと、彼女を崇拝する人間の狩人ユラ。The elven craftsman Magritte runs a small atelier in the forest, and Yura, a human hunter who worships her. The two people, who have different races and lifespans, still follow each other and, upon request, create mysterious items one after another. Why not take a look a their daily life, which has nothing but the two, spun in an atelier?
Boku no Heya ga Danjon no Kyuukeijo ni Natte Shimatta Ken Raw free
電子書籍版限定でカラー着色ページを大幅増数!東京都立川市の格安物件からダンジョンへ!?2LDK、バス・トイレ別の物件が、月家賃3万円!!驚くべき安さの秘密は、玄関が異世界につながってしまっていることだった!?主人公・トール(鈴木透 21歳、フリーター)は、ディスカントストアで整えた装備に身を固め、うきうきワクワクのダンジョン探索♪そこで彼は、金髪の美しい美少女騎士・リアと出会い――。立川市と異世界をいったりきたりで贈る、ローファンタジー渾身のコミカライズ、登場!!★単行本カバー下イラスト収録★