Renkinjutsu Mujinto Sabaibu Raw free
無人島に漂着した3人(捕虜と料理人と錬金術師)が、生き延びるために奮闘するファンタジーサバイバル! 無人島で最初にしなければならないことは? 水源確保はどうする? 食料集めのポイントは? 厳しくも、ちょっと楽しい生活を錬金術で乗り越えろ!
Renkinjutsu Mujinto Sabaibu Raw free
無人島に漂着した3人(捕虜と料理人と錬金術師)が、生き延びるために奮闘するファンタジーサバイバル! 無人島で最初にしなければならないことは? 水源確保はどうする? 食料集めのポイントは? 厳しくも、ちょっと楽しい生活を錬金術で乗り越えろ!
After winning the battle of Katze Plains and founding the Sorcerer Kingdom of Ainz, they aim for a utopia of perpetual continuity and prosperity, a world where many races kneel before Ainz. As the first step toward achieving this goal, Ainz heads to the Empire to strengthen the Adventurer’s Guild and incorporate it into the state. Behind the scenes, the nations of the world are beginning to stir with their own agendas for the Sorcerer Kingdom…! Ainz’s high road, once again!
Aruma Raw free
「もう世界は僕らだけなのかもしれない」荒廃した世界で生きるものの影ふたつ。 自分たち以外の人類を探し、見つけるための歩みの先には…!? この世界に残る魂を探し求める人類の近未来幻想譚
「なんて柔らかくて繊細なおっぱいなんだろう。“What a soft and delicate boobs. This must be more delicate in the lower half of the body.” Kenjiro welcomed Rin-chan, a curse doll, who was afraid of everyone, with a bare heart. Rin-chan is sincerely grateful to Kenjiro and serves his health. Actually, there are various circumstances in Rin-chan before she was alive, but a mysterious shared life with just a little H has just begun
魔技科の剣士と召喚魔王 raw,魔技科の剣士と召喚魔王 zip,魔技科の剣士と召喚魔王 manga Magi-gaku no kenshi to shokan mao. Raw 剣の達人・一樹は召喚魔法を総べる神魔から謎痕<エニグマ>を授けられ、国立騎士学院の魔技科への進学を余儀なくされる。一方、一樹の妹で剣技科の生徒会長を務める鼎は、一樹の魔技科進学が不服で……? 対抗する二つの生徒会の狭間に立つ一樹が、剣と魔法をデュアルに繰るスクールバトル・コロシアム、いま開幕――!!
Gomenne Occult Asobasete? Raw
Warudo ticha isekai-shiki kyoiku ejento Raw free
Maru-kun 〜Hataraku Maruchizu〜 Raw free
世界最古の愛玩犬と言われるマルチーズの“まるくん”!! “かわいい”ではなく“かっこいい”に憧れるものの… 結局“かわいい”日常を描くマスコット系ギャグ漫画!!
園場しのぐは、平凡なあまり人気のないレストラン「ヘブンズドア」のオーナーシェフ。Sonoba Shinogu is the owner and chef of a restaurant called "Heaven's Door," an ordinary and not very popular restaurant. He has two part-time workers who dress as maids, Maeda Atari and Ariga Chie. Through some weird quirk, famous people from throughout history start arriving as customers. These people are transported through time and space to Heaven's Door, just before their deaths, and Shinogu has to figure out how to satisfy their order for their last meals. Famous visitors include Japanese historical figures, like Oda Nobunaga and Ryoma Sakamoto, as well as foreigners like Marie Antoinette.