時は20XX年。It is the year 20XX. Earth has been assaulted by monsters known as he Enemy of Humanity. In order to deal with this threat, special schools comprised of teenagers with extraordinary abilities were formed. These people, who came to be known as he Talented, have abilities that defy the rules of reality. Among these superpowered individuals was an outlier, someone who was sent to one of these schools despite having no innate special abilities whatsoever. This is the story of our protagonist, who attempts to defeat the Enemies of Humanity through the use of intelligence and manipulation.Munouna Nana
Senritsu no majutsu-shi to gotei-ju Raw free
人生なんてくだらないゲームだ。Life is a shitty game. No matter how hard you try, you cannot overcome the characteristics given to you at birth. To Tomozaki Fumiya, who feels he is trash-tier and can never compete with the god-tier humans in the world, this phrase is the truth. His one pride is in his position as Nanashi, Japan’s number one player in the video game Atafami. However, one day, when he meets the rank two player face to face, his stance is challenged. Is life actually the greatest game of all?
Bad End Mokuzen no Heroine ni Tensei Shita Watashi, Konsei de wa Renai Suru Tsumori ga Chito na Ani ga Hanashitekuremasen!?? @COMIC Raw free
攻略対象の好感度ゲット! のはずが……何故かハイスペ兄から溺愛!? どんなネガティブも笑顔で跳ねのける! 強メンタル令嬢が努力と魔法で成り上がる、愛され魔法学園ファンタジー! OL・鈴音が転生したのは、恋愛まで程遠いことで有名な作業系乙女ゲームのヒロイン・レーネだった。 美少女に生まれ変わったからには、イケメンと恋愛したい! と決意するも、そこは魔法カースト制度が存在する学園で、レーネは最低ランクでいきなり人権ナシ&退学目前!? だが、逆境続きの前世で鍛えた“強メンタル”を持つ彼女は諦めない。 魔力量=好感度の作業ゲームだからこそ、ひたすら攻略対象に話しかければステータスは上がるはず! と無言王子やツンデレ眼鏡にも全力アタック! 彼女のポジティブさは美形ヤンデレや人たらし先輩にまで気に入られていく。 そんな中、仲が悪かったはずのハイスペ兄が「俺をお前の一番にしてね」となぜか溺愛モードで迫ってくる上に、何か隠しているようで──? 強メンタル令嬢の愛され魔法学園ファンタジー!