紀元前30年、クレオパトラは永遠の闇に陥った――はずだった。In 30 B.C., Cleopatra fell into eternal darkness--or so it should have been. However, she was drawn from the underworld by the gods of Ancient Egypt, gaining eternal youth. She lurked underground in North Africa until she resurfaced in 1942, during World War II. Along with Lieutenant Antonio, whom she fatefully encountered, she heads for the base of the general of the German army. However...After more than two thousand years, the curtain rises on the reconquest of Egypt!
ヨーク家の野心的な三男であるリチャードは、自分が呪われており、生まれたときから永遠の暗闇に呪われていると信じています。Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare’s Richard III, Aya Kanno’s dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.
Tensei! Takenaka Hanbee Maina Busho ni Tensei Shita Nakama-tachi to Sengoku Ransei o Ikinuku Raw free
豊臣秀吉に天下を取らせた二人の天才軍師、黒田官兵衛孝高と竹中半兵衛重治。さえないサラリーマンだった独身アラサー男は、目が覚めると竹中半兵衛になっていた。時を同じくして似た境遇の平成日本男児七人が転生。ある夜、目が覚めると何もない真っ白い空間に「茶室」と表示されたPCが置かれていた。そのPCでは、どうやら転生者同士でチャットができるようで――。果たして彼らは、戦国乱世を生き残ることができるのか? 「小説家になろう」歴史ジャンル年間第1位の戦国ファンタジーが、大幅改稿&書下ろし番外編収録で登場! 二カ月連続刊行!
To no Igakuroku Akuma ni Tsukaeta Meido no Ki Raw free
単行本1巻大絶賛発売中!! 「小説家になろう」の超話題作が ついにコミカライズ! 密室ブラッドミステリー、 開幕!漫画本編はどこでもヤングチャンピオンにて連載中!!
通り魔から少女をかばい死んでしまった椎名和也は、貴族の三男カイン・フォン・シルフォードとして、夢にまで見た剣と魔法の世界に転生した。この世界の慣習にならい五歳の誕生日を迎え洗礼を受け、神々の加護を受けたカインだったが、そこで与えられたのは多大過ぎる神々の加護と、もはや規格外とも呼べるステータスで…!? Shiina Kazuya, our protagonist who got killed by a stranger when he tried to protect his childhood friend and little sister, reincarnated into Cain Von Silford as the third son in the world of sword and magic. Cain grew up being surrounded by Gods who don’t know self-esteem, the upper noble and the girls who are swayed around him. Being given so much protection from the gods, he overcame any obstacle (aka Flags) while hiding his unbelievable status. The noble path fantasy story of a young boy who is wicked and clumsy from time to time.
Yohei to shosetsuka Raw free
「お前はアレだな、俺の想像以上に嫌な奴だな」 「貧弱な想像力が基準では説得力に欠ける意見だ」 蒸気機関の煙が街を覆う正暦1873年。勤め先を失った一人の傭兵に、とある小説家から依頼が舞い込む。それは『地図に載らない山』への取材の護衛だった。背に腹は代えられない傭兵と、それを消去法で選ぶしかなかった小説家。罵り合いの絶えない二人の旅は、やがて国家を巻き込む謀略へと巻き込まれていく……大陸横断鉄道が完成した高度成長の時代、しかし電気の灯りがまだ生まれていない薄暮の時代。そんな19世紀アメリカに『何故か』似た世界の物語。
19世紀後半、パリ。Paris, late 19th century. Vanitas is a human who works as a doctor for vampires and wishes to save them. He uses a magical book called The Vanitas Grimoire to dispel an evil curse that corrupts vampires and turns them into blood-sucking monsters. But...this very same book is rumoured to be the cursed tome that gives birth to vampires on nights when the blue moon is full. Noe is a vampire on the hunt for The Grimoire. Who, really, is Dr Vanitas? What are the secrets that he holds, and what fate do those secrets spell for the vampire species?
悪役令嬢? いいえ、極悪令嬢ですわ
侯爵令嬢ロザリアは、訳あって侯爵邸の敷地内でのみ暮らしていた。 Rosalia, a Marquis’ daughter, for some reason only lived within the premises of the Marquis’ residence. One day when she was sixteen, she fell in love with a red headed knight who wandered into the garden by accident. It was at that moment the powerful Marquis’ daughter felt something trigger― A knight who is a reincarnator, but doesn’t realize that he’s a capture target in an otome game and the main villainess, who began to change once she met the knight.The heroine who has been reborn with the knowledge of the game would be the fall of Rosalia, however, it does not go through according to the scenario…“What are you?! You’re the villainess, aren’t you?”“Villain? You think you could play such an outrageous role? I am a genuine villainess.”