Baban Baban Ban Ban Ban Ban Paia Raw free
老舗銭湯で住み込みバイトをする蘭丸。彼の正体は齢450の吸血鬼。究極の味わいである「18歳童貞の血」を求め、銭湯の一人息子・李仁くん(15歳・童貞)の操を守り続けている。ところが、思春期を迎えた李仁くんに異変発生!! 同じクラスの女の子に一目ぼれしてしまったのだ!! 「李仁くんの童貞は絶対に死守する!!」。蘭丸、決死の童貞喪失阻止作戦が幕を開ける…!!
Baban Baban Ban Ban Ban Ban Paia Raw free
老舗銭湯で住み込みバイトをする蘭丸。彼の正体は齢450の吸血鬼。究極の味わいである「18歳童貞の血」を求め、銭湯の一人息子・李仁くん(15歳・童貞)の操を守り続けている。ところが、思春期を迎えた李仁くんに異変発生!! 同じクラスの女の子に一目ぼれしてしまったのだ!! 「李仁くんの童貞は絶対に死守する!!」。蘭丸、決死の童貞喪失阻止作戦が幕を開ける…!!
Jagaaaaaan Raw free
MoMo -the blood taker- Raw free
When Nanao was a child, she was kidnapped by an ayakashi who carved a demonic seal on her body. Her planned marriage to the Waka-sama of the Hakurenji family was stolen from her by her cousin Akemi, and she was forced to wear a monkey mask to hide her demon mark, leading a miserable life. Then, she meets Yako, the young head of the Benitsubaki family. Nanao loses her mask due to a certain incident, and Yako sees her true face, but Yako takes an interest in her beauty and spiritual power.
サキュバス、デュラハン、ヴァンパイア。Succubus, Dullahan and Vampire. They are known as Ajin, or demi and are slightly different than the average human. They have lived alongside humans for ages under persecution. However, in recent years, they have become accepted as members of society. This manga follows a high school biology teacher who has a great interest in demi and his interaction with the various demi in his school, each with their own cute problems. Note: Won the DaVinchi x NicoNico Tsugi 2016 Manga Awards by taking 2nd place.
ジャンヌ・ダルク、クレオパトラ、巴御前、マリー・アントワネットら歴史上の女性32人が、自らの欲望を満たすために殺し合うことから「強欲の魔女」と呼ばれる天才少女たちの物語。A story about 32 historical women, including Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Tomoe Gozen and Marie Antoinette, who are prodigies dubbed the greedy witches due to the fact that they kill each other to fulfil their own desires.
Otome kaiju kyaramerize. Raw free