Doya Gao Yueki Joho Kyoho Ojisan Raw free
巷で噂の「ドヤ顔有益情報提供おじさん」は実在していた!迷えるJKを救う、神出鬼没のトリビアおじさんコメディ! ドヤおじはいつも貴方のそばに…。
新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙
Shinsetsu okami to Koshinryo okami to Yohishi-shi Raw free
聖職者になる夢を志す青年コルは、恩人のロレンスが営む湯屋『狼と香辛料亭』を旅立つ。ウィンフィール王国の王子に誘われ、教会の不正を正す手伝いをするのだ。そんなコルの荷物には、狼の耳と尻尾を有した美しい娘ミューリが潜んでおり――? かつて賢狼ホロと行商人ロレンスの旅路に付き添った放浪少年コルは青年となり、二人の娘ミューリと兄妹のように暮らしていた。だがお転婆なミューリはコルの旅立ちに反対し、こっそり荷物に紛れ込み家出を企てたのだ。『狼』と『羊皮紙』。いつの日にか世界を変える、二人の旅が幕を開ける!
Miageru to Kimi wa Raw free
漫画『シティーハンター』に夢中になっている40歳の独身女性が、電車に轢かれて気づくと、大好きな漫画の世界にいた。 A forty-year-old single woman, obsessed with City Hunter manga, is hit by a train only to find herself in the world of her favorite manga. Big fan of Ryou Saeba since her teenage years, she will do all she can to live a love story with him.
魔法少女を愛する少女・柊ウテナは、魔法少女になりたいと願いながら平凡な日常を過ごしていた。Hiiragi Utena, a girl who loves Magical Girls, lives her ordinary everyday life wishing to be like them. One day a curious character appears in front of her and offers her the power to make her wishes come true, but… Magical Girls vs. The Forces of Evil, the fierce battle begins!
ちるらん 新撰組鎮魂歌
1912年、若い女性は新選組の鬼、土方歳三副長の真実の話を聞こうと決意し、高齢の永倉新八を追跡する。In 1912, a young woman tracks down the elderly Nagakura Shinpachi, determined to hear the true story of the Demon of the Shinsengumi, the Vice Commander Hijikata Toshizou. Hijikata's story begins in 1859, when he is a violent young man honing his sword skills while peddling his family's medicine. Soon, in his quest to find stronger people to fight, Hijikata starts to come into contact with others who will eventually be his comrades in the Shinsengumi. The first one to make an impression on the brash young man is Kondo Isami, who proves to be a better fighter than Hijikata...
Humans are not food.There is a humanoid monster in London that only likes to eat men.--[Witch] lives here.An agency created by MI6's British Secret Intelligence Service to exterminate this, commonly known as RED.The main character, Ruby Blood, is a young ``witch hunter'' genius who belongs there.She is an ordinary girl who loves food and her family.She looks forward to the dinner her father makes every day.But on Christmas night, her fate changed completely... Eat or be eaten girl suspense!!!